Monday, February 28, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday / Menu plan 28th February 2022


It is immensely sad what is going on in the Ukraine and I absolutely respect those Ukrainians who are staying to defend their homes. Like the rest of the world it was with sadness and disbelief when I heard that Russia had actually invaded and I am proud of the way the world has reacted and condemned these actions. Even the majority of Russians did not want this to happen. Hoping and praying that it does not escalate and it is over quickly.

 When Covid started I purposely decided to stop listening and reading to the news all the time. I found that I was starting to feel anxious and worried which are not feelings I was used to. I catch headlines so I am aware of what is going on, but I don’t want to dwell on matters that are out of my control. So, I am not going to go write too much about what is going on for my own sanity.


We had a glorious weekend weather wise, much needed after the storms of the last few weeks. Today, however it is back to grey and dull. It does look like it is getting brighter towards the end of the week however.

 Menu plan

It is a nice, simple menu plan this week with Pancake Day and Ash Wednesday taking care of two days. Craig and I are at a Masonic Ladies Weekend in Lytham St Anne’s which we are both looking forward to. Emma is going to be cooking for her and Matthew as neither wanted to come along.

Monday – Chicken Caesar Salad

Tuesday – Pancakes

Wednesday – Tatty Ash

Thursday – Ikea meatballs (need to take a trip to Ikea)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday- Away for the weekend

 Craft basket

Starting on the Dumbo element of the Disney Cross Stitch this week once I have purchased a smaller hoop. There are also got some needle felted love birds to finish off and  I have cast on a new dishcloth pattern.

 On the TV.

A couple of months ago Craig and I caught an episode of ‘Death in Paradise’ on TV and we both enjoyed it, so this week we have started watching the programme from the first episode with Ben Millar. 

 On my reading pile

I have about halfway through ‘The Crafternoon Sewcial Club’ by  J Williams which is an easy read. The book club choice this month is ‘If you could see me now’ by Cecilia Aherne. I have also got ‘The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting’ by Evanna Lynch (Luna from Harry Potter) where she retells her life with anorexia when she was a child.


Wishing you all a peaceful week.

Linking up with Karen and Sandra as usual.


  1. The world has been pretty amazing when it comes to the situation in Ukraine. I have been avoiding the news for my sanity but from what I have seen things seem to be getting worse.
    It's rained here most of the day which is a shame after the lovely weekend we had.
    Fab meal plan! I had to Google what Tatty Ash was. hehehe Yum, yum. Have a great week x

    1. Tatty Ash is one of my husband's favourite meals. I tend to do mine in the oven and make it a bit 'wetter' than the recipes seem to be. It is still very tasty especially with a crust and red cabbage.

  2. I agree it is heartbreaking I listened to radio 4 on the way home this morning and listening to a lady speak about her and her daughter i was in tears. Your meals sound lovely and enjoy your time away

  3. War is never good. It breaks my heart, and I've in prayer for both Ukraine and Russia, for the people of Ukraine and for the people of Russia who also don't have a say in what is happening, and are just as upset about it.

    Yummy meals on your menu. Hope you have a wonderful time at the Masonic Lodge.

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Hello Friend!
    Could not agree more about feeling so sad for the folks of Ukraine and praying for everyone to find their way to peace. I worry for our world and pray every day for change and the Light to cast out the Dark from so many places.
    I was thinking of tackling a cross stitch project too. I bet the Disney one is adorable! The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting book sounds good. I love biographies of that sort.
    Your menu sounds delish! Pancakes here today too 😋 Have a blessed week. xo

    1. The Disney cross stitch is a part works magazine which I am so far behind with. There are 4 samplers that you are provided with the materials for and plenty of other projects that you can make.

  5. Hugs to Ukraine. would like to see the cross stitch project
    Have a great week

    1. Thank you. I will be posting a picture of the progress I have made soon, hopefully.

  6. How was your week? I am like you, don't like to listen to the news too much... I had to google Tatty Ash too! Looks yum :) xx
