Monday, February 14, 2022

Menu plan / Happy Homemaker Monday 14th February


I didn’t bother with a menu plan last week as Matthew and I were the only ones at home in the evenings. Matthew is so picky and what he eats is rather limited that I just did his usual rotation of foods.  I am trying to introduce new foods but he eats with his eyes and I can usually tell whether he will like it by the way he looks at it.

I had a productive weekend and made a shopping bag and a pair of pyjama bottoms for Emma as well as catching up with some friends on Saturday evening.

This week Emma is staying at her boyfriends all week as his parents have gone away so the house is going to be quiet. She is still going to come home to walk Penny except the days when she is in work, so Penny will be going to Doggy Day care. Craig is out Tuesday and Thursday and I am out tonight and Thursday at W.I. meetings.

 To Do

  • Order a birthday card for my nephew in Australia
  • Book my car in for a service
  • Filing of paperwork in post rack
  • Tidy garage


Not bad for the time of year. Average temperatures just wet which is not what you want when going out for a walk with a dog who likes to go on the muddiest paths.

Menu Plan

 Monday- Yoyo

Tuesday- QuickAsian beef ramen noodles

Wednesday- Butter Chicken

ThursdayDirty Fries

Friday- Chicken Nachos

Saturday –Gammon and Cauliflower cheese

Sunday- Roast dinner (at Mother-in-Laws)

Currently watching

'Go gently' is a Youtube channel with Bonne Wright (Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter). She tells us how she tries to be more sustainable and to do more to help climate change. I like the fact that she is telling us what she does rather than preaching and being judgemental about everything. The channel also gives a small insight into her life now. It is to accompany the book she has written which when it is released here in the UK I will be buying.

 In my craft basket

  • The Disney cross stitch which is my long term home project that I will be working on during the week in the evening (when I am at home).
  • Needle felted love birds kit
  • Flower filled box frames for Mother’s Day gifts.

Linking up with Karen and Sandra to see what other people are enjoying eating this week.

Wishing you all a good week.


  1. It sounds like you have had a great weekend, I hope you have a great week too.
    Fab meal plan. I love the sound of the dirty fries, I think my family would love those. x

  2. Butter Chicken is something that I have never tried! It always looks and sounds so delicious - I really should add it to my menu soon! I hope you are having a lovely week!

  3. oh I am off to see Ginny Weasley!
    Needle felting looks so nice.
    Have a great week
