Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Frobly-Mobly and other fun words

Whilst scrolling through Pinterest the other day a word and definition popped up that I have never heard before but I think is wonderful and I am going to incorporate it into my everyday life. The word was Frobly-Mobly. It is the response you give when someone asks you how you are and it basically means OK. I think that it is a fun answer rather than using the standard and boring response of ‘OK’ or ‘Fine’.

I then became curious to see what other words are out there that people could use to liven conversations up and bamboozle or discombobulate people and this is what I found. 

Fudgel -pretending to work when you are not actually doing anything.                                                                   ( I think most people have been guilty of this)

 Dysania -the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

 Ultracrepidarian -a person who criticizes, judges or gives advice outside of their area of expertise

 Twattling- a conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

 Groke -to stare at someone while they are eating in the hope that they will share.                                                 (The dog is very good at this 😊)

 Slugabed -a person who stays in bed past the usual or proper time to get up.                                                           (Most teenagers at weekends and during the school holidays)

 Shivviness-the uncomfortable feeling of wearing new underwear.

 Blatherskite – a person who talks at great length.

 Balter -to dance gracelessly without particular art or skill but sometimes with enjoyment.                                   (Aka Dad dancing.)

Crapulence -sick feeling after eating or drinking too much.

Wamble -stomach rumble

Cockalurum -a self important little man.

Tidsoptimist – a person who is always late because they believe they have more time than they do.                                 (Definitely Craig.)

Lanspresado – the one who always shows up with no money.                                                                                            (I think we all know someone this applies to.)


Are there any other words that you know that you use that make other people look at you strangely?

1 comment:

  1. Ohh! What great words. I suffer from dysania most days. hehehe
