Friday, March 11, 2022

Word of the Week-Busy


Despite wanting to live a slower and simpler life, this week I have been busier than I have been so far this year. Craig and I were away last weekend for a Masonic Ladies Weekend. Although we had a thoroughly enjoyable time and it was something we both needed, it meant that the jobs I do at weekend did not get done. I got dates mixed up and almost forgot that a W.I meeting was this week so I have been out 3 nights this week with various W.I commitments. Wednesday was the only evening I had at home apart from today and that was spent catching up with ironing.  I have not gone to the gym this week in an attempt to get some cleaning done. Craig has also been out 4 evenings with his Masonic meetings and practises and on Saturday he is going to be out helping a friend build a new shed. Emma works in the evenings and has spent her days applying for  ‘9 to 5’ jobs and Matthew has been doing revision for his second round of ‘mocks’.  

 Craig and I are out again Saturday evening at another Masonic Ladies Evening.  The Ladies Evenings/Weekends are the Lodges way of saying ‘thank you’ to the wives and partners of the Masons for as I say ‘ letting them go out and play’. There is a meal, entertainment and all the Ladies receive a gift. The evening is also a way of raising money for Charity as there is always some form of raffle or game. For example the Ladies weekend raised over £1200 from a tombola, a rolling raffle for a pamper hamper and a raffle for a weekend stay at the hotel.

 It isn’t helped by the fact that now the worst of the winter is hopefully over my mind has turned to spring cleaning and wanting to get everywhere decluttered and organised. I know this is self-imposed and the cleaning police are not going to come and lock me up for having cluttered cupboards. Does anyone else get that feeling at this time of year? It means that I am going to have to juggle doing all the crafts that I had planned (including 2 Mothers Day gifts) with the Spring cleaning on top of my normal weekly cleaning because I know it will just play on my mind until things are done.

 It is at times like this when I wish I didn’t work full time and I could spend my days decluttering, cleaning, reading, taking Penny out for long walks, crafting and enjoying the cooking process.  I had a taste of this life when I was furloughed and loved every minute of it. I felt like I was leading a slower life even though there were still the W.I meetings via Zoom. It was probably because I had the extra time when I would normally be working so wasn’t having to cram everything into the few hours between finishing dinner and going to bed.

 Does anyone else feel like now Spring is on its way that they are getting busier?

Check out Anne at Raisie Bay to see other peoples Word of the Week.


  1. It sounds like you have been busy but the good sort of busy. Good luck to Emma with getting a new job and to Matthew with his mocks.
    Have a fab weekend and night out.
    I always feel more motivated at this time of year. I have been cleaning and I've even ordered supplies to get the garden sorted x

  2. Good luck to Emma and Matthew. You do sound like you've been really busy, I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. #wotw

  3. Wow that does sound like a busy week with all your commitments and things going on. Hope you enjoy the Masonic Ladies Evening. I get the same urge to spring clean and declutter at this time of year too – but am also finding that life is a bit busy at the moment so it’s difficult to get on top of it all. #WotW
