Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Word of the Year 2024 - ORGANISED

I hope you all have had a good Christmas and are ready to go for 2024 with resolutions, intentions, plans, changes or just carrying on with what you have been doing.

After a year where I have felt things have slipped I am determined to get back on top of everything hence the reason why Organised is my word for 2024. My motivation to do anything in 2023 was almost non-existent. I am not sure if it is the stage of life that I am going through or whether it was just general dissatisfaction that made me feel that way. Over the last few weeks however, I have felt more like my old self and wanting to get things done so I don’t leave them to the last minute and become stressed.

So how am I going to get organised? For me it is about planning and I have started to use my ring-bound planners again. I am going to use 2 planners. A personal size as a calendar/diary but also having a section where birthdays are listed, a to-do list, a section for passwords and a general notes section for writing down random thoughts or pieces of information that might be important. My A5 planner will be for things to do with the house and family. So at the moment this will include my Christmas planner, addresses & contact details for family and friends, a one stop shop for phone and account numbers for utilities, insurances etc; trackers for books read and films watched, holiday planning and room details such as size, paint colours; and a due date section for things like MOT’s insurances, routine appointments etc.

As well as using my planners I have also bought all the birthday cards that I will need for the coming year and they have been put into monthly sections in a card box and they will be written and addressed over the next few days. Christmas cards and wrapping supplies have also been purchased in the sales and put away In the usual place. I also intend to buy Christmas presents throughout the year and I have designated a place to store them until needed.

Menu planning is also going to come back into my routine this year as I need to focus on getting to my goal weight this year (I didn’t gain weight, I just didn’t lose any). It will also save  money as I can order the items on click and collect so I am not tempted to put any extras in or go browsing in the non-food areas.

A close contender for word of the year was ~Lagom’ which basically means ‘ not too much or too little, just right’. This word resonated with me as I am not into minimalism or maximalism within the house. I am going to spend this year de-cluttering the house and not allowing myself to buy that much to clutter up rooms therefore making them easier to keep clean and tidy. I am also going to use up my craft kits and read the books I have already purchased before I allow myself to buy anymore which will also help with the de-cluttering process as well as saving money.

I have not really made any other New Years resolutions as everything I want to achieve comes under the organisation umbrella. 

Do you have a word of the year or have made any resolutions for 2024? I would love to know what they are.

1 comment:

  1. Organised is a great word! It sounds like you have some good plans and planners! x
