Monday, January 8, 2024

Week commencing 8th January 2024


It is hard to believe we are already a week into 2024 and I am back doing menu planning and household planning. This is all in an effort to get organised and stay on top of things. Having a written list of things to do helps me stay motivated as I get great pleasure it ticking them off and seeing how much I have accomplished.

So for this week

To Do

I am out Monday, Tuesday and Friday evenings so the list can not be as long as I would normally do if I was staying home in the evening and this is on top of my weekly cleaning.

-Wash all curtains downstairs (as the curtains are so wide and long they can only be done one curtain at a time)

- Declutter bedroom chest of drawers

- Make a note of due dates for insurances, MOT's etc

In my craft basket

I have 3 projects that I am determined to finish this month. The first is an EPP quilt that I have been making in my quilting group for many years. The top is now finished and I just have the quilting and binding to do. 

The second is a jumper I have been knitting. I an definitely a novice when it comes to knitting and reading patterns and I had put this down for a several months after I made a mistake that I could not figure out how. I eventually got to show the pattern and the piece to my Mum who figured out where I had made the mistake so I ended up undoing the piece and starting again.

The final project is a dress that I started last summer then somehow lost interest in (as I did a lot last year). 

I want to get these three completed so that I can concentrate on starting some new projects next month.

On the menu

As the weather has turned colder this week I have decided to make some comfort food recipes whilst sticking to Slimming World (for the majority of the time)

Monday - Beef and black bean chilli

Tuesday - Mac and Cheese Taco Bake

Wednesday- Don-Air Kebab ( a Slimming World recipe for Donner Kebab)

Thursday- Toasties

Friday - Lentil and Bacon Stew

Saturday - Curried Mince beef

Sunday - Cola Chicken

Looking forward to..

The first W.I. and Book Club meetings of the year. There is a speaker from The Christie Hospital at the W.I. meeting and we will be celebrating our 9th birthday. The book I have read for the book club was 'Lessons in Chemistry' by Bonnie Garmuss which I really enjoyed reading even if it wasn't quite as much about cooking as I was expecting. I have also got the TV series with Brie Larson to watch.

I hope you all have a good week.



  1. I picked up a "Teach Yourself to Knit" kit and started learning in December. But then I decided to just branch out my crocheting and learn to crochet amigurumi toys! I am having so much fun with it and have discovered a whole new crocheting world! I hope you get your projects completed and get to move on to some fun new ones. Have a great week :)


    1. Thank you. I might try crochet at some point but want to concentrate on knitting at the moment.

  2. Good luck with knitting. It's nice to come across another beginner. Will you show your knitting project next time?

    1. i will once it is finished whether it be good or bad :)

  3. I really loved the Lessons in Chemistry book but struggled to get into the tv series, not sure why. Hope you have a great week!

  4. I feel so much better we are back into a routine and the meal planning is going to plan. It sounds like you are going to have a busy time of it. Good luck with the crafts.
    All of your meals sound so good. x

    1. Thank you, it is good to be back into a routine.

  5. Love that you have a diversified list of crafts! Have a great week

  6. Hello Friend! I'm so envious of your crafting skills. My Aunt tried to teach me to quilt, but I was hopeless. Lol And I think knitting seems difficult too - but I'm determined to learn crochet!! All of my "abilities" lie in papercrafting and some needlepoint things. I am quite a master of a glue gun at times as well. Lol Happy project time to you. And blessed rest of your week. xo

    1. I like doing a wide range of things but I feel like I am a jack of all trades and master of none. I probably need to concentrate on one or two things to get better. Papercrafting is something I do every now and then and I do get envious of those who make it look easy.
