Sunday, August 7, 2022

Project 365 -1st -6th August

Monday 1st August- The towel cupboard needed to be organised and some old and worn out towels taken out to use as rags. This picture is the 'after'

Tuesday 2nd August - A trip to Ikea for a storage unit also meant other items were purchased including food bags, drawer/shelf liners, a lazy susan, a travel cutlery set (it is a nightmare trying to find forks at work) and some biscuits.

Wednesday 3rd August - my first tomato. I am so proud that I have managed to nurture a plant to produce something that we can eat. Normally I don't keep anything alive long enough.

Thursday 4th August-Traced and cut out the pattern pieces for my next sewing project, though I have no idea when I might be able to do anymore on it at the moment.

Friday 5th August- Finally getting to see 'Six, The Musical'. It is the 5th attempt to see it, the first four having been cancelled due to Covid over the last two years. I really enjoyed it.

Satruday 6th August.- Completed my first week at Slimming World and lost 3 1/2 lbs which is 2 more than I was expecting. So pleased and proud of myself. 


  1. Well done on slimming world results. I need to get back to my keto diet - too many carbs and not weighing myself, so I've put on about 2 stone since Easter I reckon. Disgraceful. I've got postponed theatre shows to see too, but not til next year.

  2. Ahh! Our towel cupboard is somewhere which always needs tidying, the kids always seem to want the towel at the bottom of the pile. lol
    Well done with the tomato. It is such a good feeling when you grow something.
    I am glad you finally got to see Six and enjoyed it. x

  3. Well done on your first tomato. I’ve not had much luck in the garden this year. Glad you finally got to see Six and enjoyed it – it’s one I really want to see at some point. #WotW

  4. Well done on your Slimming World success. I love the history of Henry VIII but haven't seen Six yet. #project365

  5. I am so jealous, I really want to see Six, The Musical. Well done on Slimming World, I really need to get on with losing some weight

  6. We have one fork at work that people fight over, I take my own cutlery set each day. I love my lazy Susan, had it for years. matalan do a plastic one for the cupboards to store sauces/tins on, it's great. Look forward to seeing the end results of your sewing project. I do love a good tidy up and sort out, will be doing the linen cupboard soon
