Sunday, August 21, 2022

#Project 365 14th-20th August

Sunday 14th August

We visited some friends and the cows in the field at the bottom of their garden came over to say hello.

Monday 15th August

It was W.I. craft group tonight and we made infinity threaded bracelets.  I wasn't the only one who forgot whether we had gone left or right. 😀

Tuesday 16th August

I made a haddock and pea risotto for dinner that was topped with a poached egg. It reminded me of kedgeree,  a dish I love.

Wednesday 17th August

We discovered the I am Groot series of shorts on Disney+ and ended up watching them all. I hope they make more because Groot is so cute and funny.

Thursday 18th August

Finally got round to working on one of my knitting W.I.P's which will be a Harry Potter hat for my nephew. The pattern book comes with some other projects that you can make in rhe House colours (or any colour combo ) of your choice.

Friday 19th August

We met up with some friends for a drink and it was in a perfect pub for Instagram shots. Very pretty.

Saturday 20th August

We decided to ignore the weather forecast and headed to St Anne's near Blackpool and let Penny have some fun on the sand and then enjoy some fish and chips. Thankfully it stayed dry though it was quite windy and I came home and had to have a shower to get rid of the sand that had got stuck to me.

Hope you all have had a good week and been happier once the temperatures cooled down.


  1. The infinity bracelet is so cute and the risotto looks so tasty. We watched the I am Groot series and he really is so cute.

    1. Groot is adorable. I hope they make more episodes.

  2. Ooh that pub looks pretty. We're off to St Anne's for a short break just before school starts - planning to reminisce from my uni years at Lancaster while we're there.

    1. Enjoy your break. St Anne's is so much nicer than Blackpool in my opinion.

  3. I like the bracelet you made. That pub is certainly a perfect one for Instagram shots. Glad it stayed dry for your day on the beach. #project365

  4. I love the infinity bracelet, very pretty. I have a harry potter knitting set - shame i don't knit LOL
