Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday & Menu plan 12th November


Another busy week where everyone is going in different directions. There is not going to be one evening this week when we can all sit down together. It will continue to be like this now until the Masonic season has ended at the end of May. The W.I is all year round but the other things I have going on will finish before Christmas and unless Emma gets a job where she works during the day it will be rare that she will be with us. I know it is all part of the stage of life we are all at but we were all together on Sunday along with Emma’s boyfriend Sam and my brother in law and it was so nice to be able to sit, eat and chat without rushing anywhere.

 Matthew has started his mocks so I won’t see him much over the next two weeks whilst he is (hopefully) revising in his room. It is a good job I have plenty of things to do to keep me occupied in the evenings that I am on my own.

 How I am feeling.

Now the days are shorter I feel a bit like a mole who never sees sunlight. I start work in the dark and because of the bad weather it is getting dark when I leave. I am sat under artificial lighting all day staring at a computer. I am going to have to make the most of the daylight at the weekend. 

On my breakfast plate.

Now it feels more like Autumn I am having porridge with Golden syrup and chopped apple with my mandatory cup of tea. Porridge will be my staple breakfast during the colder months and I will put different toppings on so I don’t get bored.

Menu plan

Another week based on Matthew’s likes. He is a bit fussy though and limited in what he likes, so I have a feeling that next week I will do some meal prep and batch cooking so that I have meals in the freezer for whenever they are needed.

Monday – haddock fishcakes and broccoli

Tuesday – Ikea meatballs (we did not have these last week)

Wednesday – Slow Cooker Beef stew

Thursday – Pizza

Friday- Liver and Onions (Craig’s request)

Saturday- Chicken Stir Fry

Sunday- Meat and potato pie

What I have been watching

Thanks to Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom I have been watching Korean & Japanese vloggers. I am loving the serene way they do things around the house and when cooking. I have also been watching lots of vlogs and podcasts from knitters or sewers. On Netflix I have started watching ‘Maid’ and on BBC it is ‘Doctor Who’.

Linking up with Sandra and Karen as usual to see what everyone else is up to.

Have a good week.


  1. I love a slow cooked beef dish it is just what you need in the winter.

    1. I agree. My husband does not like beef so I am taking advantage of him not being around for meals to have the stew.

  2. My slow cooker has come out again too - great for the colder weather. The fishcakes sound good - I might have to try those too :)

    1. I use my Instant pot as a slow cooker which is great as I can delay the start time as I have to leave for work at 6.30am. I use it a lot.

  3. I need to make porridge. One of my kids will not eat it but the rest of mine will.
    I haven't had liver and onions for years, I might have to see if my husband would try it.
    Hope you had a good week? Sounds like it was very busy with everyone everywhere.
    Thanks for linking up to #mealplanmonday could you do me a favour and ping me @catskidschaos with your twitter handle and I will share your post, I can't find you for some reason. Sorry about that.
