Thursday, March 18, 2021

Knitting Fail

 I have messed up on the baby cardigan I was knitting for my niece. This was a new pattern to me and the third time I had made a cardigan.  The pattern was easy to follow but I started to have concerns when it came to the armhole shaping as it was only 3 rows of decreases before casting off. The other 2 cardigans I had made had a lot more rows involved.

I attempted to sew the arms in according to the pattern but it did not look right. I unpicked it and tried again with the same result. I even took it to my Mum and she had a look and was surprised with the number of rows for the armhole shaping. She had a look at what I had done to see if I had gone wrong but she couldn't see anything.

The only mistakes I had made was not putting in enough buttonholes and the neck pieces were too long as it just said to knit until the length would fit halfway around the back of the neck.

I have decided to not finish sewing it up and I will use the other baby cardigan pattern instead. As the baby is not due until June I still have time to knit it.

As for the pattern I was following for this learning experience (not failure) I have put it in the recycling bin so that I am not tempted to try it again.

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