Monday, March 29, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday 29th March 2021


It has been a pretty quiet week. Emma's room is now finished and she is happy and so am I now that I have my craft room back. I am looking forward to being able to have the space to get my sewing machine out and to attempt to make some new clothes.

The Weather

Turning mild for the first part of the week and then cooling down just in time for Easter Weekend.

On the Menu

Monday  - Lancashire Hotpot and Mushy peas
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday - Cheesy tomato pasta and Garlic bread
Thursday - Calzone
Friday - Veggie burgers, coleslaw and salad
Saturday -Shredded buffalo chicken
Sunday -Picnic

Looking forward to

Now restrictions have started to lift I am looking forward to seeing my parents on Easter Sunday, especially as it coincides with it being my Dad's birthday. We are planning on going to Rivington Pike with my sister and going for a walk up to the tower and having a picnic, then going to Mum and Dad's and seeing them and chatting in the garden.

What I have been watching.

I seem to have very little say in what we watch, mainly because I am not overly bothered. We only have the one TV and as I have many other things to be getting on with my husband has control of the remote. When I do get hold of it I have been watching 'The Queen's Gambit' on Netflix. I am not at all interested in chess but I have enjoyed the story and seeing how Beth has coped with her addiction and being on her own for most of her young life. She reminded me of Kya in 'Where the Crawdads Sing'. They both have overcome adversity and achieved fame and notoriety in their respective fields.

When I just want something to watch that I don't want to think too much about, then I watch 'Schitts Creek'. I don't find it particularly funny as in laugh out loud but I find it helps me relax.

Linking up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. Happy Early Birthday to your Dad! I miss having a dedicated craft room...

    I hope you can stop by:


    1. I have only had a craft room since June last year and I don't know how I managed without.
      I used to love NCIS and watched it regularly but have lost track of things as it is shown on several different channels in the UK and they are not in any order.

  2. Enjoy your Easter time!! Happy Birthday to your dad! Have a great week!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend on your horizon. Hope your dad has a happy birthday and you have a wonderful Easter!
