Monday, July 25, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday / Menu Plan 25th July 2022


It has been such a long time since I posted a menu plan. I hadn’t really been doing a menu plan every week as I had just lost any enthusiasm for cooking and planning. I now realise it was because I needed a holiday more than I thought. I now feel motivated and energized to get back to doing the things that I need and want to, including blogging.

This weekend was the start. Since the start of the year I have been frustrated with how quickly the garage gets messed up and you end up climbing over things to get to what you want. Whilst I was on holiday I decided that I would do a proper declutter, especially after seeing how organized my friends house was in Colorado. I was going to get rid of things that I thought I needed but seeing as though they had been in the garage for years then I obviously did not. I also needed a better storage system so that things did not get piled up on top of each other. And that is exactly what I did. I spent Saturday afternoon going through everything and getting rid of the items I didn’t need or want. On Sunday we went to Costco and bought an industrial strength shelving unit which I then assembled and put the remaining items on. There was also a desk in there that I was reluctant to get rid of so I repurposed it by putting it over the washing machine and tumble dryer so I now have an area to store my washing liquids and fold laundry once it is dry. Clearing the garage also now gives me a space to be able to dry the washing when it is too wet to put on the washing line.

Talking of washing;

 On my to do list

After two weeks away with a house/dog sitter staying and then a week of recovering from jet lag and post holiday blues, I feel that my house needs a good clean. I am not sure how much I am going to be able to get done during the week as I am out three evenings this week so the deep cleaning may have to wait until the weekend.

 In my Craft basket

 The list of projects I want to do increases weekly but I am currently working on a Harry Potter hat for my nephew in Gryfinddor colours and a knitted dishcloth as I actually prefer the ones I have knitted to the ones I have bought.

 On the menu

 Monday Sausage, egg and chips

Tuesday – fresh Soup and crusty bread

Wednesday -Taco Pasta Bake

Thursday -Thai Buffet (celebrating BIL’s birthday)

Friday – Homemade fish and chips

Saturday – Garlic Pork chops in a creamy mushroom sauce

Sunday – Roast dinner with neighbours

Looking forward to this week

Going out for the Thai buffet as I have never been to a Thai buffet before or really eaten much Thai food. I have Book Club on Friday and I am looking forward to having a good chat with the ladies there. Having dinner with the neighbours will also be fun as we get on really well with them and it is a thank you for helping to look after our dog whilst we were away.


It feels good to be back and I hope to be able to catch up with other blogs that I have fallen behind with.



  1. Glad you were able to have a bit of a break. Sometimes that makes all the difference. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Soup and bread could possibly be one of my favorite meals, so simple but just something I adore. So good to see you coming back to post. :)

    Sometimes taking a break is very much needed, glad you were able to do that and are now back blogging again.

    Have a wonderful week,

    1. Thank you, I admire people like you who blog on a regular basis and I wonder how you have the time and come up with the content.
