Monday, June 7, 2021

Menu Planning Monday 7th June


What a glorious week we have had with regards to the weather. It looks like we have got this for a couple of weeks. It's a pity I am in work and cannot really enjoy it fully. We have got a busy end of the week as it is Emma's birthday on Friday so various friends and family will be popping in. We will also hopefully pick up our new (to us) car that day as well. We have bought a Citroen Grande 4 Picasso as if we all go out and take the dog it can get a little cramped so this is a 7 seater. I have nicknamed it 'The Bus'. It will get its first outing on Saturday as Emma wanted to go to York to play at 'A Hole in Wand' which is a nine hole Harry Potter themed mini golf place. No doubt we will also end up going to The Shambles to get some pictures as allegedly Diagon Alley is based on them.

The Weather

On the Menu
Monday -Chicken Tetrazzine
Tuesday - Ratatouille with king prawns
Wednesday -Creamed Corn and rice stuffed peppers
Thursday - Swedish meatballs with mash and green beans
Friday - Steak and Chips
Saturday - Meal out in York
Sunday - Gammon, egg and chips

On the crafting pile

Still plodding on with my blanket. I have got some fabric that I need to cut out to make a circle skirt and I might try to persuade my Mum to take the Disney sampler to work on. She is getting into cross stitch, I just hope she doesn't find something else beforehand. I cannot seem to motivate myself to work on it at the moment. It is the same with the quilt. Hopefully it won't be too long before the quilting group can met again and then I will have no excuse.

What I have been watching
 Craig has been watching LOTS of Youtube videos regarding motorhomes, campervans, van life, travelling around Scotland so trying to get to watch anything I want is difficult. I have found The Bold Type on Netflix and still watching the Great British Sewing Bee though that only has a couple more weeks left to run. 

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Hoping Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom stays strong and wishing Katy at Katy Kicker a Happy Anniversary.


  1. I hope you can make the most of the weather when you're not at work. Happy birthday to Emma it sounds like you have a great day planned on Saturday. Enjoy your new car.
    Great meal plan. I love the sound of the Creamed Corn and rice stuffed peppers x

  2. I know the weather has been glorious. Shame I'm at work too, we can sit on the roof terrace though for lunch and get some sun if we want.
    Have a great week

  3. A Harry Potter minigolf? wow!
    Happy Birthday to Emmay. Would love to see a picture of the new car.

    Have a great week

  4. Ratatouille is one of my very favorite things and I have yet to make it this year. I will need to get that on the menu soon! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Oh how exciting to have a bigger car!

    Chicken Tetrazzine sounds interesting, I'll have to have a Google!

    Thanks for linking up and I hope the rest of your week is a good one.
