Monday, May 13, 2024

Quick Update

I am writing to give you a quick update os to why I have not been doing any posting despite saying I would at the beginning of the year.

The fact of the matter is I have been struggling with perimenopause. I have been fortunate in the fact that I have not been experiencing the physical symptoms such as hot flushes, dryness or insomnia, mine have been more the mental issues of low mood, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed as well as my biggest issue of feeling like I cannot be bothered doing anything. 

I am not looking for sympathy I am just explaining why I have been and probably will continue to be rather erratic at posting. It is something every woman will experience and will have their own ways of dealing with it and I am dealing with it as best as I can. 

I will post when I feel like it as during the school holidays I am trying to go out to visit different places and I will try and write about them but there will not be regular posts such as menu plans or daily photos as I know that at the moment I cannot be consistent with doing those every week.

Thank you for your patience.


1 comment:

  1. I did think about you the other day, wondering where you had gone. I am glad you are OK, well you're not OK but I'm glad you are still around. Sending love and hugs. x
