Thursday, April 21, 2022

Word of the Week- Quiet


Craig and Matthew went to London for the day last week and had to be up at ridiculous o’clock to catch the train. Obviously, I was awake as well as it would have been impossible to stay asleep whilst they were getting ready. Once they had gone the house was still, quiet, and peaceful in a way that it isn’t normally. It was probably because it felt like the world was still asleep and I relished the calm and quietness.  Since then, I have been wanting to find ways in which to be quieter.

 That doesn’t mean that I am waking up earlier (5.15am is quite early enough thank you very much), but I am no longer putting the TV or radio on when I first go downstairs. When I am in the car driving to work I don’t have music or an audio book playing. The only noises are the sound of the engine and the road. At home, if the TV isn’t on then I don’t switch it on and I prepare dinner with only the sound of the food preparation as accompaniment.  As the weather has been good, I have taken to sitting outside for a short time with a cup of tea and just listening to the birds singing away and the distant hum of the motorway. I have also discovered a few ‘silent vlogs’ on Youtube which I am enjoying when I feel like watching something. I haven’t even put the radio on when I have been in my craft room so the only sounds have been the whirring of the sewing machine or overlocker.

 Since I have tried to make things quieter, I have found I am doing things more slowly but mindfully and have been feeling calmer and seem to have more patience. I have also found that when I have been in the car with other people and the radio has been on that I have felt more uptight.  I know it has only been just over a week since I have been doing this but I am enjoying the benefits of this quieter life. Maybe it is an age thing or maybe it is just me changing and wanting to focus on different priorities or maybe I have just had enough of the noise in the world. Whatever the reason I will enjoy it for as long as lasts.

Linking up with Anne, so why not hop over and take a look at other's words of the week.


  1. I like it. I don't know if I'd be happy with too much quiet, but I do like peaceful times when I can grab them. I've started turning off background noise when I'm alone too.

  2. Ahh! I love it when I am up early and everyone else is either out or still in bed. The quite really is nice.
    I seem to be more productive when there is some background noise like the TV or radio but it is nice to sit outside with a cuppa. It sounds like the quiet life is working for you. I might have to try it. x

  3. Quiet is such a nice word for the week. My husband always likes to have the radio on in the background but when it's just me in the house, I like the quiet and leave it off. Sitting in the garden listening to the birds is so lovely. Glad that reducing the background noise is working well for you. #WotW
